For more information about our beliefs…
Freedom Church exists to help people far from God but close to you find freedom in Christ. Sure, there are lots of ways to describe what a church is like, but we figure that it’s pretty important that we tell you up front that Jesus is what we’re all about. So if you’d like to know more about Jesus, this is the place for you. Everyone is welcome here… whether you are already following Jesus or you’re just curious. We believe that Freedom Church is a safe and loving place with people ready to help you take your next step.
This is a place where regular people grow in a real relationship with their Savior, with no perfect people allowed. It’s a place to be yourself, know God, build friendships, discover your purpose, and make a difference locally and globally. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of your story, your questions, your doubts, or your struggles. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we believe in a God who does.
What to expect on a Sunday:
You will be greeted with a smile from the parking lot to the worship center! We are so glad that you are joining us. Welcome Home!
We have an excellent and safe Kids Ministry that is is available at every experience. Little hearts meet a big God with age appropriate activities and lessons.
Our experience will be around an hour and 15 minutes long. We don’t take ourselves too seriously… in our experiences you will laugh, have fun, and worship through different artistic avenues. But we do take Jesus very seriously… so there will be moments for you to experience God in a real way.
Whoever is preaching that day will talk about topics that make a difference in your life, inspire you, and give you practical ways to take a next step. The word of God is the basis for all of our teaching and content.
We believe that prayer is powerful. Every experience will have some sort of time set aside for us to pray as a church.
People come as they are. Jeans, shorts, and t-shirts are pretty common around here. Don’t feel any pressure to wear your Sunday best… unless you want to!
We’ll have complimentary coffee for everyone! Specialty drinks and food are available for purchase at the Freedom Cafe
Freedom Youth
Our youth ministry is for students 6th to 12th grade on Wednesdays from 6:00PM - 8:00PM.
Freedom Kids
Our kids ministry is for children 6 weeks through 5th grade on Sundays during our experiences.
our team
Meet our staff! These people do some of the behind-the-scenes work in order to lead Freedom Church.
next steps
Everyone can take a next step. Click here to learn more about YOURS!