WHY DO WE exist?

Every week we provide a ministry to teach children about Jesus in a way they can understand. Freedom Kids is a fun, safe, and clean environment that is all about Jesus. We hope and pray that every child that enters our ministry will one day find freedom in Christ. We also want to create a time where you can experience God distraction-free. While you attend church your kids will not only be safe, but they will also be receiving age-appropriate content and spending time around incredible leaders and examples.

Who is this for?

Freedom Kids offers a place where children from 6 weeks through 5th grade can discover and develop a passion for God. Through great teaching and a variety of fun activities, children are exposed to God's Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with Him.

Our children's experiences are possible because of our Dream Team. This team is filled with adults and students, who are committed to teaching and loving children. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and having a great time learning about God while you worship.

when and Where is it?

Every Sunday during our 9am and 11am experiences. When you walk into the building there are signs directing you to the Kids Area where we have leaders, security, and staff posted to ensure that your kids can learn about Jesus and have fun in a safe environment.

what do i need to know before i visit?

  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.

  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian.

  • The security sticker you receive at check-in will be required to pick up your child.

  • Have a student in 6th-12th grade? Check out Freedom Youth on Wednesday nights! On Sundays: Students 6th grade and up sit in the Main Worship Center

We believe that YOU can make a difference in this generation. You are how they will encounter Jesus, you are how they will learn, and you will be used by God in these children’s lives. All you have to do is choose to be a part of something bigger than yourself by signing up and showing up. We would love to have you as a part of our amazing Dream Team. Everyone who serves in Freedom Kids is making an impact. Children are shown the love of God every Sunday by people like you. If you’re interested in joining us, click the link below and fill out our interest form.

