• Adopt-a-Block Team (Country Lane, Moncks Corner)

    Monthly - Last Saturday - 11am
    We love our neighbors in Berkeley County on a monthly basis through adopt-a-block. We serve relationally through food care, kids activities, and devotional time. This is a family-friendly way to serve!

  • Adopt-a-Block Team (Belangia, St. Stephen)

    Monthly - Last Saturday - 11am

    We love our neighbors in Berkeley County on a monthly basis through adopt-a-block. We serve relationally through food care, kids activities, and devotional time. This is a family-friendly way to serve!

  • Hope Repair Team

    Monthly - 2nd Saturday - 7am

    On the second Saturday of each month Hope Repair sends six to ten teams out to work on leaky roofs, unsafe floors, decrepit plumbing, building wheelchair ramps, steps, etc. You need not have special skills to attend and you can serve in both completing repairs and praying over the homeowners being served.

  • Blankets of Grace Team

    Let us know if you're interested in making some make blankets covered in prayer that will be donated to those in need in our county. Meets the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month.

  • Car Care Repair Team

    Monthly - 3rd Saturday - 8am

    Every third Saturday we have the opportunity to care for single moms and others in need through helping with car maintenance and caring for these families while they are being served. Join us!

  • Fisher House - Dinner Team

    Monthly- 4th Saturday - 4pm

    Every fourth Saturday we have the opportunity to prepare a meal and serve the families of Veterans and Active-Duty while recieving medical care at the VA hospital.

  • Closet of Hope Serve Team (Berkeley County DSS )

    Monthly- Pick a Monday 9am

    Every Monday we will have the opportunity to help local foster families, kinship and adoptive families with providing items for all children's needs. They do not pay for this service, everything in the closet is 100% free to them, and we don’t put limits on how much they can take.
    Join us in making a huge impact on our community.

  • Feed Berkeley Serve Team

    Monthly - 4th Saturday - 8:30am

    Every fourth Saturday morning at 8:30am we feed the hungry people of Berkeley County! Opportunities are available to load trunks and pray with families receiving food.

  • Feed Berkeley Stock Team

    Monthly - Friday before 4th Saturday - 11:45am

    Once a month on the Friday before the 4th Saturday, we partner with the Lowcountry Food Bank to stock the pantry at Feed Berkeley to prepare for month to prepare for distribution.